THANKYOU to all of the members  and guests ( prospective members?) who launched themselves out of bed at an ungodly hour on a Sunday to board the bus for Crown Casino recently. It is only through these efforts that we can continue to create interest and commitment to our club.

The good news is that no one got lost or left behind and Ellie managed to be the star gambler of the day- well done Ellie!SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURESSAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURES

Thanks especially to Carl who drove us down and back and to Greg who did most of the organising for the trip. Also to John Cossar who kindly did a bottle shop run and had the bus well stocked for the trip home. Thanks John, we think.

It was particularly pleasing to see many new faces and we hope that the bus banter, lollie throwing and very bad singing will not prevent you from fronting up again.SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURES

It is a main priority to grow our membership base and it is hoped that happy days like these help to achieve this.

Thanks again everyone for your participation and good humour- it was a lot of fun. The question remains ” Will we make it to our destination next time BEFORE eskies being opened??? ”



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